/ at·el·ier /
a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.

curiosity, creativity and mindfulness are at the core of who we are

makin’ waaaves


global inspiration

the heart of new wave is effortlessly nomadic by pulling ideas sparked from cultures far & wide. travel is of utmost importance to us.


our treasured support system that comes together to make our brand what is. special humans who ride the wave and see the vision.


all people are welcome regardless of age, size, sexual orientation, gender, skin color, religion, political views, nationality, culture + beliefs.


to cultivate both a physical and digital space where one can lose themselves in art that can be worn, read, admired, captured and adored. 


a soft, feminine pallet of colors, textures, and pieces that leave you feeling warm, safe and yearning for more.

empowering creators

artists of various mediums unifying to create something much bigger than themselves and encourage others to do the same.


mood ;

the first sip of your morning coffee. a pastel sunrise. being blissfully lost in a new city, uncovering corners that make you forget time. the indescribable satisfaction of perfectly messy art studio. your favorite person’s laugh.

life’s simple pleasures that remind us how beautiful it is to be living this experience on earth.